Even in 2019, a lot of web designers still make the same mistakes, driving visitors away and losing revenue in the process. Web design is an art, but it is something where a technical decision can have unintended consequences. Here are some tips from Rack Alley on some common mistakes:
Mobile text size
Some sites disable zoom and then present tiny text on mobile devices. If you are going to disable zoom on text, then ensure that you set your font sizes correctly to match the screen size you need. In a world where a lot of web traffic is from mobile devices, you cannot afford to make this mistake.
Many designers forget that popups and popovers are now synonymous with the shady and sketchy sites that want to sell you some snake oil. The problem with popups is that a lot of visitors get a big popup even before they spent time going through the site. If the visitor is still on your site minutes after the initial visit, then this is a good time to show them an offer.
Auto Play
Sites that have video auto play (with sound) are so annoying that users are installing browser addons just to avoid them. Do not be like one of the many news sites that just want to increase video impressions because it looks better.
We have three examples here, of many, so take the time to think about your actions as a designer and how it might or might not affect your visitors. Don’t let your investment in Los Angeles colocation go to waste.